(WARNING: You will enjoy this blog more if you've previously read the entry titled "Babies" posted on September 17, 2007)
I love my brother! There are a lot of reasons why he's awesome, but ONE of those reasons is that he's utterly hilarious. Let me show you one of the ways his humor enriched my life recently.
So yesterday I worked 12.5 hours and then went to the grocery store to buy some food for dinner. On arriving home, I dropped by my mailbox and pulled out the two things inside. One was a junk mailing, the other looked like this (well except the addresses weren't blurred out):
My first thought was, "No way! I can't believe this!" Then I flipped the card over and saw the back.
Now I was standing alone in the dark outside my apartment's mailboxes just after 10 PM and I was cracking up laughing. "What in the world?! Who would take the time and energy to pull such an elaborate prank?!" I went inside my apartment and put my groceries away before I took the time to sit down and read it. Once I looked at it again, I noticed three things:
(1) Whoever it was from knew my middle name (but that's no secret).
(2) Whoever it was from knew one of my childhood friends, because the return address was her old house. (I changed the addresses, but wanted you to see the card in all its unblurred glory!)
(3) Whoever it was from was pretty good at whipping up a logo and had some desktop publishing experience.
Then I flipped it over and read the back in detail, which gave me a couple more clues.
What are the clues from the text of the card?
(1) The BHCC was founded by "your mom." (My favorite jokes to tell when I'm tired.)
(2) The testimonial quote is none other than Nancy Hicks Gribble (a character on King of the Hill which Eric and I used to watch when we lived together.)
All of this evidence led me to believe that my brother, who has computer and design experience, who grew up friends with the younger brother of my childhood friend, who listens constantly to my "your mom" jokes and who freakishly quotes King of the Hill, loves me enough to dedicate 4 or 5 hours of his time to create a card to make me laugh! Isn't he great? :-)